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Magee Secondary School, Vancouver, BC

Welcome to The Magee Centennial Celebration website.


Hi, I'm John Tanton '59, Chair, The Magee 2014 Centennial Celebration Committee.

In 2014, Magee Secondary School will celebrate the 100th Anniversary of its founding.

To celebrate the success and excellence achieved by Magee students, teachers, staff, parents, administrators, and community over the years, we are planning a Centennial Celebration for Friday May 23rd and Saturday May 24th 2014.

Act now to reserve the dates, to register and purchase your Passport (refer "Registration and Tickets" page), and to join in the celebrations. The balance of the long Memorial Day (USA) weekend is a great opportunity to continue on and re-connect with friends and classmates.

Centennial Celebrations will have three venues.

On Friday evening at the Queen Elizabeth Theatre, there will be a foyer Reception followed by Gala Show in the theatre with audio, video, live entertainment, and personal appearances. Patrick Roberge '82, a Magee alumnus, will direct the theatre show. Patrick is President and Creative Director of PRP Inc. You have all experienced his work. How you ask? Explore his skills and experience atPRP Website

On Saturday in Kerrisdale, there will be a Pancake Breakfast and Street Concert in the morning, a Beer Garden and in the afternoon, and red carpet welcomes from merchants and community organizations throughout the day.

On Saturday at Magee Secondary there will be an Open House from 11:00 AM to 5:00 PM. Activities will include tours of the new school, decade rooms, club and art displays, live music and performances, a photo station, memorabilia and hoards of archived material, food and refreshments, etc. There will be a Welcome Ceremony from 1:00 - 1:30. A new Centennial Memoir Book is included in your Passport (Ticket) and will be available for pickup. The Memoir Book will also be on sale with other Souvenirs. In the evening from 7:00 to 9:00 PM there will be a Closing Cabaret featuring the Magee Jazz Band, guest musicians, and a Birthday Cake.

Centennial Celebrations will revolve about the theme "Success and Excellence" achieved over the past 100 years by Magee students, alumni, teachers and administrators, parents and families, and the community.

Here is a Quick Reference Guide for all Events, Locations, and Costs which you can print and take with you:Quick Reference Guide for all Events, Locations, and Costs

Additional details are outlined in the Newsletters posted on our "Newsletters and Current Events" page and on our "Share Your Memories" page.

As plans evolve, we will keep you informed through various means including this website, email newsletters, and our Facebook Page "Magee Turns 100". Stay tuned as our website expands. Subscribe today to our email newsletters. "Like" our Facebook Page.

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Your privacy will be protected and your subscription will only be used to keep you informed about Magee Centennial Celebration plans and Magee related activities including future class reunions.

Email Address

Magee 2014 Centennial Celebration Steering Committee may be contaceted at

Magee Secondary School Website.

Explore current school activities and plans at Magee Website

Magee 2014 Centennial Celebration Steering Committee.

Current (April 2013) members of the Magee 2014 Centennial Celebration Steering Committee are:

(Click to open/close bios of highlighted members ... scroll down.)

Frank Anfield '57, Marketing and Publicity Tom Dinsley '59, Legal Bob Fitzpatrick, Britannia Teacher, Special Advisor Bill Harvey '59, Fund Development and KBA Liaison Colin Holyk '83, Kerrisdale Business Association (KBA) Representative Marea Jensen, Magee Principal
Wally Lee, Parent Advisory Committee (PAC) Representative Ron MacKenzie '59, Budget and Administration Joan McDiarmid '60, Secretary Barry Rhoades '59, Information & Technology Patrick Roberge '82, Event Development and Management Eric Schieman, Retired Magee Principal, Fundraising Liaison Doug Sturrock, Retired Magee Teacher, Historical John Tanton '59, Chair
Joy (Fraser) Yorath '60, Grad and Staff Liaison