Magee Centennial Celebration Committee


Magee 2014 Centennial Celebration Steering Committee

Newsletter No. 6 February 20, 2014

Dear [First Name],

Help, I have Writer's Block



What I want to say is, "Have you got your Passport (Ticket) for the Magee Centennial Celebrations yet?"


Draft 1: "Yes ... well done! No ... then get with it!" Yikes that sounds a little too abrupt ...

Draft 2: "Did you know that procrastination is the thief of time and that the road to hell is paved with good intentions?" Nope, needs more direction ...

Draft 3; "Here's the deal, planners need your support so they can plan." Well duh ...


OK ... OK. I'll tell it like it is.

Planning and Registration Update


Magee Centennial Celebrations are now 92 days away. Venues are all firmly in place and moving to the fine tuning stage. The Centennial Memoir Book team is gearing up for its final production run.


Major Donors, Corporate Sponsors, and Community Partners have provided support to ensure the success and excellence of Centennial Celebrations. Refer Donors Sponsors Partners .


Currently, 1,846 people have subscribed to our Email Newsletters or are following our Facebook Page. An advertising program has been implemented including the Cover Story, a Second Story, and an Ad in the February 15th issue of Kerrisdale Insider magazine. Refer Kerrisdale Insider


Watch in Kerrisdale for the Magee Centennial street banners which will be mounted courtesy of the Kerrisdale Business Association.


In short, don't be disappointed. Plan to support and attend the Magee Centennial Celebrations. Today ... visit our website, register, and purchase your Passport (Ticket) Registration and Tickets


Draw Prizes


Registrants and Guests will all have a chance to win one of the following incredible Draw Prizes which have been generously sponsored by the respective companies:

  • Rocky Mountaineer Tour package valued at nearly $9,000
  • Fairmont Pacific Rim (Gold Floor) Hotel 2 night package


Memoir Book


Each Registrant will receive a copy of the Magee Secondary 2014 Centennial Memoir, a book everyone will want to have in their library. This full color, hard cover, labor of love has been produced by Doug Sturrock, retired Magee Teacher (PE Department Head, 1971 - 1998), and his team of dedicated researchers and writers.


A Supplement to the Memoir (covering Celebration Events) will be produced and distributed to Registrants following the Centennial. Guests and others may purchase the Memoir and Supplement separately at the Magee Open House on May 24th. The Memoir will be available for pickup at the Magee Open House on May 24th.


Flexible Registration Options


Visit our Registration and Tickets Page and choose the registration option (online or manual) which is right for you. If you choose online, you can make payment by PayPal, Credit Card, or cheque. If you choose manual, you can download and print a Registration Form, complete it manually, and mail it in with your cheque.


In both cases, please include your email address because that is where we will send your registration confirmation which includes a link to print "My Tickets". If you don't have an email address, we do have a work-around to send your tickets by mail but this is a last resort.


Registration Mechanics


We are using Constant Contact (EventSpot) and PayPal to manage registrations and payments. When registering online, please note the following mechanics:


· From the "Registration & Tickets" page on our website, click on the online registration link which opens a Magee Centennial information page with Constant Contact (EventSpot).

· Click on "Register Now" which opens a Registration Form. Fill in your information including your choice of paying by PayPal or Cheque. Click "Continue".

· If you chose PayPal, this opens a PayPal window with two options: (a) Pay by PayPal or (b) Don't have a PayPal account. When you click on (b) Don't have a PayPal account, this opens a Credit Card window.

· If you chose the Credit Card window, enter your Credit Card number (it will automatically be recognized as Visa, MasterCard, etc) and all other Credit Card information. Click "Pay Now".

· This takes you to a payment confirmation page. Review the payment details and confirm the payment.

· This may take you to a PayPal page inviting you to open a PayPal account. Click on "No Thanks". (Note: If you do not click on "No Thanks" your registration will not be completed and will be recorded as abandoned.)

· This takes you to a Registration Confirmed page. Also, you will automatically receive a confirming email which includes a link to print "My Tickets". Click on this link and print your tickets.


When paying by cheque (online or manual), we will send you a confirming email when your cheque is received. This confirming email will contain a print "My Tickets" link. Click on this link and print your tickets.




Remember to bring your ticket(s) which are required (a) to enter the events and (b) to pick up your copy of the Memoir Book. Also, save the confirming email with the print "My Tickets" link in case you misplace your ticket(s) and need to print them again.

Thanks for your support to make Magee Centennial Celebration a roaring success! Help spread the word and send a copy of this email to your Magee contacts.


Best Wishes,


John Tanton '59

Chair, Magee 2014 Centennial Celebration Steering Committee

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Magee Centennial Celebration Committee | 2153 - 150A Street | Surrey | BC | V4A 9J6 | Canada

